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Holy Duck's Light Feather Roast, a delicately light roasted coffee blend carefully selected and roasted to perfection. This blend is a perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and body, with a rich and complex flavor profile. It's a light roast that is sure to please those who prefer a milder and smoother coffee experience.

Our expert roasters carefully select the highest quality beans from around the world, specifically from Brazil, to create this light roasted blend. The beans are roasted to a light level to bring out the natural sweetness, bright acidity, and fruity notes of the coffee. The result is a mellow and soft cup of coffee that can be enjoyed any time of the day.

Light Feather Roast

SKU: 008
$17.99 Regular Price
$17.09Sale Price
  • Our Light Feather Roast is made with 100% Arabica coffee beans, which are carefully selected and sourced to ensure the highest quality. It comes in a 12oz bag, and it's suitable for all brewing methods, whether you prefer a French press, pour-over, or drip coffee maker. It's the perfect choice for those who prefer a light roast coffee with a delicate and smooth taste.

    This coffee is certified kosher, and is made with 100% coffee, no artificial ingredients, and no added flavors. It's ground coffee, making it easy to brew and enjoy. Try Holy Duck's Light Feather Roast and experience the delicate and smooth taste of premium-sourced coffee beans.

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